
Dear Ben, Nickie and Tess

I would like to commend you for the wonderful  work you do in running the Here4u club.

As a 24/7 carer for my husband who has dementia and some complex health needs, I would like to say how much the Here4u club has been of benefit to us both.

For my husband it provides a safe caring environment,  he is stimulated and able to enjoy social activities. A healthy home cooked lunch is provided which he enjoys immensely . You are all so supportive of all your clients.

For me it provides some very valued free time, I can catch up with friends, do some shopping or just do nothing knowing that he will be safe and cared for. You have all been equally supportive to those of us who are full time carers.

Without the club I know that both our lives would be much more difficult. It provides some very welcome respite for us both.


After Mum had her stroke, that left her physically well but left her problems with her short-term memory, she felt isolated and had lost her confidence as she was now unable to drive .

        When we stumbled across the Here 4 U group Mum was not sure about going ,but she went for a taster day and loved it .Mum was very excited to go again.

         The group has given back a bit of independence ,enabled her to do the things she loves ,not only emotionally but also intellectually, it has helped with her confidence, with all the activity's they offer ,cooking, quizzes ,jigsaws. They have really tried to tailor activities that Mum likes but also challenging her to try new activities. As a family not only has it given a day's respite for my stepfather it has given us peace of mind that Mum is well looked after within the loving and warm atmosphere the Her 4 U family offer.


My husband who has dementia, has for a few months now been going to a lovely day centre at Hillside Community Centre in Stowmarket. The ladies that run the centre are so caring and keep them occupied in so many ways. They also have lovely homemade cakes at break times. A freshly cooked lunch and dessert. Drinks as often as they would like it. The day has activities they do  with them, such as being involved in baking. Painting flower pots and planting a plant into it. Playing cards or dominoes. My husband enjoys it when they play a kind of tennis but with a balloon and fly swats for bats. The staff work so hard to keep them happy and occupied.
He is there from 9am until 3pm. This gives me six hours to do things for myself such as going and having my hair done. Meeting friends for lunch. Or just having time to take the dog for a really nice long walk. All things I am unable to do normally as I am unable to leave him.
When you are a full time carer a few precious hours to yourself knowing your loved one is safe and cared for is so special. I am so grateful for the love and care he gets while I have a little me time.
If you are a carer and want a little free time for you I highly recommend Here4You Day Care. Go along and see for yourself what truly lovely caring people they are. You won’t be disappointed.


This is from Sid, I asked him what he thought of his club

I enjoy it. It makes a change, you meet other people. I enjoy doing different things”.

From my perspective:  Sid has really benefited from getting out of the house. It’s doing him good to socialise with others and being encouraged to take part in activities. At home he tends to sit all day with his head in a puzzle book and has lost interest in his old hobbies. He always looks forward to his day out. 

Mum has benefited by us being able to take her on days out and push her in her wheelchair beyond the limits of Sid’s mobility knowing that he is enjoying himself in a safe and caring environment. 

Thanks for the photos and for all you are doing.  I can’t believe how successfully my husband integrated today - it’s an amazing result and just shows what good work you are all doing.  I’m really hoping I can get him to you regularly as it’s really good for him.  I’ve never known him join in a group activity before so it’s a huge success story. 
See you next week!


Our dad, who was diagnosed with alzheimers six years ago, has been attending the Here4U Day Club for a while now. He still lives at home with mum but life has been getting increasingly difficult and stressful for her. So dad being with new friends at the club has been good for both of them. Mum can now spend the day meeting up with a friend, going shopping, or going out for lunch knowing that dad is being cared for, enjoying new activities and having a cooked lunch. We were a bit worried how dad would cope being away from home and his familar routine but he has settled in well and although he might not remember much about his day, he enjoys his time there as is evidenced by the lovely photos we recieve at the end of each session.

The club has been of huge help to us as a familiy, especially mum, and we feel confident that dad is in a safe and kind environment at the Here4U Club, so much so that he is attending twice a week now, rather than just the one day we had originally planned.